It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.

‘Out of my need for knowledge I watched night create the day’

A line from Anna Karina’s 1965 movie, Alphaville

anna karina hair-1

Good afternoon people of the world- I cheers to you with a wee mug of freshly brewed ginger and lemon tea I made a little earlier!

A blog, Mairéad…A BLOG? Well, I never saw this coming. I was always one of those people who peered into disparate virtual lives in a sort of covert need for transcendence, a mere onlooker secretly marvelling in the idea that no-one but me knew I had been there. But alas-here I am sitting in my living room in Derry (home) looking out at you from this strange blackened cylinder I know absolutely nothing about. What have I become? HA!

Well, here I am folks.

I am a firm believer in ‘if you start somethin’ you just gotta go for it’ so I promise you I will not approach this with trepidation. To do so would defeat the whole purpose of putting stuff online for the whole world to see anyway, wouldn’t  it?  So with this, you will get all of me- just like Ella said.

Look away now!

Things have been a bit higgledy piggledy over the last 8 weeks. I have made the ‘big move’ from London to Ireland after 7 years of living in the ‘big smoke’ -Scary but liberating. I can finally call home home again, something I haven’t been able to do in many years. My dad isn’t very well- and it was a shock to us all as it happened so suddenly. The prognosis is not a good one but in all his glory my paps is as positive as ever. What a rock star!  This move has brought a few personal trials for me too but as you can imagine, there is nowhere I’d rather be than here. My beautiful Northern Ireland.

As a family we are stronger than ever and have found our own way to cope with it all- just doing our best. We have all turned to a healthier way of life in adopting an alkaline, vegan lifestyle in an attempt to keep him as rosy-cheeked as we can for as long as possible. Can I get a ‘T.E.A.M”?

And so we march on through today and towards tomorrow, for that is all we have.

Ta ta for now.

Merry x

7 thoughts on “It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.

  1. I would fancy sharing your march, partly because I know a wee bit of where you have been, at least lately, and also because your youthful enthusiasm is motivating and inspiring to one with, let’s say, more experience. It sounds like your dad is in good hands and I wish the best for him. Any dad would love to be labeled a ‘rock star’ by a daughter already destined to be on stages around the world.

    And most of all I was able to use more than 140 characters here.


  2. My father had triple bypass heart surgery in at age 84 but had a hard time going on but I’m so proud he did. He died a year ago and was 97. Had to keep him going. Steve died at 57! He had type 1 diabetes since he was 13. When he died he went 44 years and said the last 15 were because of me. We had fun and he lived longer. My Mom died at 94 after a lengthy bout of (I never got the real answer). but she kept on for my day and they celebrated 70 years of marriage before she died. I love each of them so some but after they all left I had no siblings so the tough have to get tougher. I believe it is all in God’s plan for each of us and I do believe there will be a reunion and that I will be with my loved ones again. You have to believe that with all your heart.
    You are such a wonderful personality and would do anything to help if you needed. I think we all have to stick together. I’m looking for you a Book Khalil Gibran. There is a passage I believe you would love.


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